I try not to be judgmental. I prepare myself before the call for the possibility that I won't understand. I have my iPad ready to play Solitaire because I expect to be on hold. But the truth is, that when  the company I will deal with , on the phone, uses out sourcing, I have a problem. I had some business to attend to today. I made my call, listened to the menu, selected  "O" for an agent , got put on hold . All that I was expecting. Then the agent came on, sure enough, the agent was out sourced. The background noise was distracting,the agents english was perfect, but not American dialect. I was going down hill, quickly. After giving my name, birthday, and permanent residence, he asked me a question. I could not, I could not , understand the question. He repeated. I still had no clue what I was hearing or what I was expected to say .He tried spelling it military style. C as in Charlie, o as in orange. I listened but the middle letters were undistinguishable . Finally, it dawned on me. County. Sarasota County. Who needs to know your county ? Your supplemental   insurance company. Just so you know.

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01.12 | 14:15

Safe travels. See you soon. sally

04.07 | 12:10

I read the last page first too. It’s a family curse.

22.05 | 12:38

so glad youre here mom!

29.08 | 17:45

Don't quite know how this got to me but it was on the top line of my computer (not in email) But I really enjoyed it. I truly admire you.