Yes, I know that there are not supposed to be coincidences. But something strange is happening and I am looking for reasons. Several days ago, I opened the glove compartment in my car and there was Bob's kipah. His head covering that he wore regularly to services. There had been no reason for me to open the glove compartment. I just did. And his kipah was there. It was very emotional for me to find it . That was the first of a series of " coincidence". Today, I was leaving the house to visit his grave, which I haven't done since getting back to Venice. It was sunny, so I grabbed a sun hat, sorta a baseball hat. We have a drawer of them and I took one with the intention of leaving it in the car, in case I needed one at some other time. It wasn't one that had any meaning to me, like a Cubs hat or my NY Marathon hat. It was just a hat ,with a visor. It had a logo embroidered on it. 1929. That was the year Bob was born. I never noticed a logo on the hat before. It blended in with the fabric. When I got to the National Cemetery in Sarasota, I remembered the general area  where Bob's grave is. Since I visited last , there are so many additional rows of graves. I wasn't quite sure which row his grave  was in, so I randomly walked to a row  and moved forward to read the stone markers. I was looking ahead of me and for a few minutes I had a feeling that I would have trouble finding just his marker. I looked down, to the stone that I was standing next to, and it was Bob's. Later in the day, we had a sudden ,quick rain and I just knew that there would be a rainbow. I went outside and there was. There has to be some message that I am getting ,that I don't understand. Since there is no such thing as coincidence, what is happening to me. I am asking for a friend.

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Latest comments

01.12 | 14:15

Safe travels. See you soon. sally

04.07 | 12:10

I read the last page first too. It’s a family curse.

22.05 | 12:38

so glad youre here mom!

29.08 | 17:45

Don't quite know how this got to me but it was on the top line of my computer (not in email) But I really enjoyed it. I truly admire you.