We have collectively decided that spring has arrived. It is still cold when the sun goes down or behind a cloud, and the wind in some directions is really cold and strong, but other than that, it feels like spring.  There  are minutes that I can actually sit outside and feel the sun. Dixie is more cautious. She comes out,finds me by following my voice,turns around and goes back to her place,the couch. I am surprised that she still knows how to walk. She spends a lot of her day ,on the couch , with her feet not touching the floor. But then, what else does she have to do.She can’t see a ball to play with, she isn’t a chewer ,so chew toys don’t interest her. I guess that it makes sense that she has no one but me for entertainment. Lucky me. :(  I made a trip to Goodwill today to see what I could find for Passover. Miriam needed a wine glass, Elijah needed one and I put out one for the lost generation of children that didn’t survive the Holocaust. I can’t wait to set the table. I needed my grandson’s input on making the brisket. We  both bought the same Jewish cookbook and there is a recipe for brisket that is enough different from the one that I make, that I decided that is the one that I am making. It calls for a cup of Calvados. First, I had to look it up. Then I called my grandson. It’s a Brandy. So I ordered the smallest and least expensive bottle when I ordered my on line groceries. Then, I can’t find Any Kosher wine here for charotze. That’s a mixture of chopped apples, pecans, cinnamon and very sweet wine  to bind it. It is part of the order of the Passover service. I ordered Prosecco as a substitute. maybe I should use a creme sherry? Sounds good on paper!

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01.12 | 14:15

Safe travels. See you soon. sally

04.07 | 12:10

I read the last page first too. It’s a family curse.

22.05 | 12:38

so glad youre here mom!

29.08 | 17:45

Don't quite know how this got to me but it was on the top line of my computer (not in email) But I really enjoyed it. I truly admire you.