This is just too cool. The word went via internet that at 6 pm, everyone should come out onto their balconies, or open a window and applaud the health care workers who have been working tirelessly during this pandemic. And they did. So did we. So did Netanyahu, a distant neighbor. You could hear clapping all up and down the street. I did a couple of Yemenite calls. I wanted to take  a picture, but it was so dark that I couldn’t actually see any neighbors. But I sure heard them I will remember this  special coming together for a long time.Did I mention that my Colorado daughter, a nurse ,is a gatekeeper at her hospital. Here is how this works for them. A person, with a script from there PC Doc, for a Covid-19 test,drives to a parking area at the hospital. They have to show their script to my daughter. No one gets past her if they haven’t seen their Doc.  and feels that a test is called for. They give her their cell number and drive into a designated space in the lot. When there is the next space for the test, She calls them and they drive to a side door. They are then escorted from their car,masked and taken into a exam room for swabbing. Then escorted back to their car.All of the staff are heavily gowned. As of this morning , they had only 119 tests left.The tests are driven to Denver and results  sent when confirmed.  About 8-10 days later. The health community is taking this virus seriously and so should we. I quote a friend” I don’t want to die on a ventilator”.

Ginnie 20.03.2020 13:20

I am watching the 700 Club and they just showed people on the balconies in Jerusalem clapping for the Health Care workers. They are Believers who support Israe

GInnie Stenman 20.03.2020 13:16

Leona, I wonder if it is safer for you to just stay in Israel for a time rather than come here where the virus is all over.

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01.12 | 14:15

Safe travels. See you soon. sally

04.07 | 12:10

I read the last page first too. It’s a family curse.

22.05 | 12:38

so glad youre here mom!

29.08 | 17:45

Don't quite know how this got to me but it was on the top line of my computer (not in email) But I really enjoyed it. I truly admire you.