I crossed the  continental Divide twice today. I don't know how that is possible , but I saw the sign in two different places, a distance from each other. It did say that I was at 7,000 ft. There were two more signs worth noting. One huge billboard, as we are all going 80 miles an hour or faster, said"YOU ARE  GOING TO DIE. YOU WILL MEET GOD". I thought that was a poor suggestion at the speed everyone was going. Then still in Wyoming, where the trucks pull in to be weighed, there was a sign saying that all  boats, including  kayaks and canoes have to go through the weigh station. I didn't know Wyoming had that much water or a boat problem. At a rest stop , I saw a car with a Michigan licenses plate. The woman from the car came over to say how nice it was to see a single woman taking such a long drive. Turns out she is from Fremont , Michigan , the town next to our old cottage . We did't know the same people, but it was a fun conversation. Nebraska seems dull after going through the forests and hills of Wyoming. Wyoming is cowboy and Nebraska is farmers. I will be going South soon. I expect more traffic and a slower drive because  of it. I would be the only car on the road for miles. I would see trains that seemed to stretch for miles. There would be three engines pulling and two engines at the back pushing. I wonder what was in those cars. I did pass some place that looked like something from outer space. Envision silver spark plugs three stories high , spread out over a large area. I learned that that was the Sinclair Petroleum plant. I was only impressed by the shiny structures, not the product. I played who goes first with a few cars. We took turns passing each other and falling into a line. Amusing for a few hours. Noodle is still with me and become very comfortable traveling. He seems to like the pattern of rest stops, water , treat, sleep. When we left Wyoming this morning it was 41 degrees. When we stopped at our motel in Ogallala, ( don't you love that name)Nebraska , it was 87.  We  both  have to acclimate again.

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01.12 | 14:15

Safe travels. See you soon. sally

04.07 | 12:10

I read the last page first too. It’s a family curse.

22.05 | 12:38

so glad youre here mom!

29.08 | 17:45

Don't quite know how this got to me but it was on the top line of my computer (not in email) But I really enjoyed it. I truly admire you.