Day Two. We did 690 miles the first day. Interstate driving is easy. I discovered HOV. that is the lane that allows cars with two plus occupants, motorcycles and electric cars to have a whole lane just for them. Nice. I could really let my heavy foot hit the pedal.My Grandson did the driving around busy cities, like Atlanta and St. Louis. Actually, the traffic was pretty smooth. We crossed three rivers: Missouri, Tennessee,Ohio.The Missouri has over run its banks and the water was as high as some full grown trees.  We could see this as we were on a bridge crossing the river. I had heard that the river was flooding, but seeing this was very sobering.  Another interesting note for us ,is that farmers were not planting in Tennessee and Missouri. It very well could have been because of trade with China was on hold and these farmers are big on soy beans. Kentucky had a most beautiful rest stop , called Whitehaven. It was also a historic site. The house that had the bathrooms and travel information in was an historic home. The woman's bathroom had fresh flowers, roses and peonies. My Grandson said that the Men's bathroom had daisy's. Kentucky and Tennessee were the most beautiful states , especially in the morning. Everything was green and lush. I looked for race horses in Kentucky, but they may have been still asleep after the Derby. Our first major delay was in Kansas. tHere was a major accident  and we didn't have time to detour. Since we weren't going any place , we were just in the right spot to see the tow truck flip the car over from its roof to four  wheels. I watch a TV show called " Road to Hell", and I have seen them do that on the show. Cool. We didn't  see any emergency vehicles , so we can only assume that the victims were not seriously hurt and no one was carried out. Noodle is a trooper. I gave him a fourth of a sedative this AM and that worked just fine. He is having a great time, new stuff to sniff and long naps. Tonight we are in Topeka, Kansas, eating Thai food in a motel room, watching the basket ball game. Can't be more Better than this.

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01.12 | 14:15

Safe travels. See you soon. sally

04.07 | 12:10

I read the last page first too. It’s a family curse.

22.05 | 12:38

so glad youre here mom!

29.08 | 17:45

Don't quite know how this got to me but it was on the top line of my computer (not in email) But I really enjoyed it. I truly admire you.