Thinking about my running ribbons, made me think about everything that I got out of running. In no particular order: I met the nicest people. I met the fittest people. I met Olympians. I traveled to many places-- Paris, France, Atlanta , Georgia, New York City,Grand Rapids, Michigan, Indianapolis, Indiana, New Orleans, Louisiana, Washington, DC. ,Champaign, Illinois, Springfield, Illinois, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, lake Tahoe,California, Grant, Michigan, Oxford, Maryland. I ran when we were on vacations. I ran in California on hillsides. I ran in Estes Park, in Boulder  Colorado.I got chased by a few dogs. I got run over by a two wheel bike on a running path. I had stress fractures. I broke a few bones in my feet. I had plantar fasciitis more than once, twice, three times. I never had knee problems. I ran in snow, sun, heat and rain. I ran when my eye lashes froze together.I spent more money on my running shoes than anything else in my closet, with the exception of my GorTex running gear.As a Race Directer, I helped handled police, sponsors,crowd control, goodie bags, race courses,numbers and a few carb loading dinners. Plus the all important Porta Jons. and bridges on the race course going up on the Chicago River when they were not supposed to. I miss those days. I really do.

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01.12 | 14:15

Safe travels. See you soon. sally

04.07 | 12:10

I read the last page first too. It’s a family curse.

22.05 | 12:38

so glad youre here mom!

29.08 | 17:45

Don't quite know how this got to me but it was on the top line of my computer (not in email) But I really enjoyed it. I truly admire you.