I bought a cam recorder so that I can see Noodle when I am not home. I really don t know why I bought it. I thought that with the camera, i could tell if he was barking while I was gone. It would be nice if he could hear me, because I could then talk to him while I was viewing him. When I turn on my iPhone to check on him, it's pretty unexciting. He is usually in a sleeping position . Definitely not barking. That is when I can find him. If he is under a couch, I have no clear view of him. Considering that he is " big boned",  how he can crawl under the couch is a mystery.He hasn't hidden in the closet in awhile. He doesn't hide, he just falls asleep in there. While I am viewing Noodle, I get to see how my living room looks . I think it looks pretty good.I have a cam recorder in the bedroom also because that is where Noodle's neon green crate is. Right now , my room is a little messy. I have my yellow bike parked by the closet door. It is usually under a tarp outside, but for some reason, I brought it inside and it is still here.  I think that I may have wanted to keep it dry.Now I don't want it to get cold. Sometimes I see Noodle just sitting, looking up at the bike. He is confused. He'd be more confused if he knew  that I could see him on my iPhone.

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01.12 | 14:15

Safe travels. See you soon. sally

04.07 | 12:10

I read the last page first too. It’s a family curse.

22.05 | 12:38

so glad youre here mom!

29.08 | 17:45

Don't quite know how this got to me but it was on the top line of my computer (not in email) But I really enjoyed it. I truly admire you.