I was saddened to hear that Elie Weisel died. Many years ago, I Thought that it was important to have my two Chicago Grandson's have an opportunity to hear him when he came to the Chicago Public Library as a guest speaker. I took them out of school for this. I'm not sure if they were impressed at the time, since they were very young,but maybe they will have some memory of hearing and seeing him. I do. He will be remembered. I do a lot. A lot of things. Many of them, not well. I am still and will always be a beginner violin player. I run, or rather ran Marathons...slowly. I can't spell, but I can write.I still have not mastered an electric stove and am sad to say that I still burn my garlic and onions. What I do well,or at least better is , and in my opinion, I am a great Mother (don't argue with your Mother) and a wonderful manager and very importantly, I feel as if I have kept Bob going since he had a stroke in 1998 (August 29 if you are keeping score.) I don't mind not doing well in many areas. I always felt that it was the journey that counted. Learning to read music and make an attempt to make music is enough for me. I don't want more than this. The fun for me is the challenge of trying. So what if I squeak when I play the violin. So what if I misspell a word. There is always someone there to correct me. And I am not embarrassed to be corrected. Running has introduced me to new places and new friends. When I list the Marathons that I have run, I like to see people's reaction. Someone once asked me if I stop to eat while I am running. Like lunch? I can remember a time when I never would have driven on a highway. That was man's work. Now I can drive cross country without a qualm.(And change a flat tire, I might add). So it is the journey that counts. Once you get to the destination, what are you supposed to do then. Stop for lunch?

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01.12 | 14:15

Safe travels. See you soon. sally

04.07 | 12:10

I read the last page first too. It’s a family curse.

22.05 | 12:38

so glad youre here mom!

29.08 | 17:45

Don't quite know how this got to me but it was on the top line of my computer (not in email) But I really enjoyed it. I truly admire you.